About Pixelfan...

Hi there, nice to meet you! I still can't believe that you found my little spot on that big and giant internet...
My name is Eric Verbiest, a photographer born & raised in Antwerpen, Belgium, and the author and designer behind Pixelfan.
The fact that you are reading this makes me think that we share the same passion for photography... or at least for snapshots and interpretations of what we see around us, in the day-to-day life.
Because that's what photography is for me. A tool to show the story I imagine when looking at something.
And that something can be anything... people, objects, architecture... it doesn't matter, I have a broad range of interests and... an even larger imagination 🙂
I also love the editing-part of the photography process. So, for the photography purists out there... I'm terribly sorry, but I have no problem with the so-called photoshoppers.
I often use software to get the results I had in mind when releasing the shutter. And let's be honest, when you're not working in a studio, you don't always have the time or the right equipment with you when something happens.
For me, only the final picture is important. Not the way to get there.
Anyway, I'm really happy you took the time to visit my site and I hope you enjoyed my work. And... feel free to drop me a line... I love to read your thoughts about my work.
What do you think?